Wheeee! A Wedding

One of Kev’s colleagues got married today and we got to go! It’s the first wedding we’ve been to in years. We’ve outgrown the wedding phase and even the christenings phase. Now we’re pretty much relegated to first communions and funerals until the boys grow up and start pairing off.

So it was lovely to be all gussied up for something as happy and fun as a wedding.

We ditched the boys with Angus’s godparents and there they stayed. I must admit it was weird to come home and be in the house alone with Kev. Very very strange. I have it on good authority that the boys are sleeping and happy, though. And I have to be up kind of early to pick them up tomorrow.

But it was lovely to go out dancin’ with ma man.

Categorized as Me


  1. It was a fab venue (although the can sculptures were elsewhere, en route). There’s nothing quite like an art college for interesting decor!

    Kev did buy a suit for the occasion, but the temptation of the kilt was too strong. He always gets lots of compliments from, oddly, African-American Philadelphians when he wears it.

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