Back To Writing

I haven’t thought about this stuff in so long, that seeing it again is like visiting a former me. I wish I could go back in time and give her a big hug and say…

Afraid To Offend

…I held off on writing fiction in part because I would have to draw from my life. I was worried that if my character had a crabby mother I’d have to put up with my own mother crying down the phone…

Categorized as Write

Sir Salman

…It’s not a ‘how-to’, but it is one of those experiences that makes you want to jump up and run to your notebook and write your own novel…

Associated Blobfest

…Then I started to read. And it was good. The writing was really good. Even after reading the first sentence I knew something was up….

What's In A Publishing Agreement?

When publishing with a POD company you should look beyond the marketing materials and read the Author Agreement/Publishing Contract, to find out what exactly the deal is….Having had to revise one of these a couple of times, to try to make it more user friendly, I thought I’d share my the fruits of my translation effort with you.

What Is Print On Demand?

At its simplest, print on-demand publishing means that whenever a book is demanded (ordered, bought, requested), a copy of the book is printed. To anyone who knows anything about traditional printing methods, this sounds ridiculous…