“Vestes” Chugging Along

My Estes Vest (aka “Vestes) is coming along nicely. Actually, I have more done, up to the first increase after the waist. As with all cable projects (and lace), the first couple of times through the pattern repeats have me cursing and unpicking and wondering what the h*ll the designer was thinking. Then, once I… Continue reading “Vestes” Chugging Along

I’m A Designer!

Hey! I got myself set up at Ravelry as a designer. So far I’ve only uploaded my Cyber Chart (the chart for my cyberman head, that graces G’s sweater), but I have a sock pattern and another, fairisley Doctor Who chart to go up, oh and a hat pattern. I smell another project coming on… Continue reading I’m A Designer!

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Miriam’s Heart

My sister sent me a link to a pattern she is using to make a knitted heart and hoping to teach her four year old daughter. She was struggling with some of the instructions so I, being me, thought “I could do better than that” so here’s my effort, which I think will be less… Continue reading Miriam’s Heart

Nerd…I’ll Bite

I’m pretty proud that only 1% scored higher in the “History Nerd” section.

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Ravelry — I’m In!

For about two years now, drDuff has been hooked on Boardgame Geek, where he gets to list all his board games, find out about new board games, and hang out with other boardgamers with out having to, you know, hang out with other boardgamers. I have been so envious. I even talked to him of… Continue reading Ravelry — I’m In!

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Writer’s Inspiration I

I’m trying to squeeze in more writing time these days (not, as previously mentioned, for projects that someone is threatening to pay for imminently, but just for my own satisfaction). In spite of the fact that I really want to write, I find myself needing a jumpstart, so I’m reading about writing a little more… Continue reading Writer’s Inspiration I

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