Hi-Tech Snow Day

My six year old and my almost-four year old are lying, one in the top bunk one int he bottom, sending messages to each other on two Nintendo DSs. The eldest drew a head and sent it to his brother, who added a body and sent it back…. Remember when we used to do that… Continue reading Hi-Tech Snow Day

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It's A Beautiful Day

The branches outside my office window are wearing a layer of fluffy white snow, three inches deep. Through the branches I can see a small orange disk nudging its way upwards, spreading red light over our very white world. And the radio is full of happy news about people having a huge party in Washington.

It's A Beautiful Day

The branches outside my office window are wearing a layer of fluffy white snow, three inches deep. Through the branches I can see a small orange disk nudging its way upwards, spreading red light over our very white world. And the radio is full of happy news about people having a huge party in Washington.