Don't Tell Me About Problems, Tell Me What You're Going To DO

I’ve been really touched by all the responses to my call for recipes. Thanks, and keep ’em coming!

As repayment, here’s a link to a really interesting interview with Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the Grameen bank, which pioneered the micro-credit lending idea that has helped thousands of families out of poverty. [This link will open the mp3, so right-click if you’d rather save it…]

I got really excited listening to this. This man really seems to understand humans and he has a proposal for creating a world without poverty (also the title of his new book). He is infectiously enthusiastic and says things like, the current system of capitalism ignores a whole aspects of human life, only concentrating on making money, so some people are deprived financially and everyone is deprived in terms of fulfillment.

“What is there for young people?” he asked in this interview. “To get a good job, make lots of money, have some fun…this is not EXCITING for young people…”

In our system that sounds like an odd comment, but I know from experience that it is both wise and true.

He’s not anti-capitalism but thinks it needs some augmentation. And he’s not just complaining. He’s got ideas.

It is refreshing and encouraging. I put this guy in the same category as Jim Wallis, who is trying to take on poverty from a religious motivation, but is positive and enthusiastic and tries to find a middle ground, rather than shouting at people or blaming anyone.

These guys give me hope where news pundits and others so-called experts do the opposite.