Best Job In The World

The news is full of the guy who won the contest for the “Best Job In The World” – as a caretaker of a tropical island, which was a brilliant PR campaign by the Queensland Tourist Board, by the way. Talk of the Nation, on NPR, is doing a call-in show, asking people what their… Continue reading Best Job In The World

Fighting It

So, I wrote a children’s book. It’s a short, 6000 word chapter type book, like one of thos series books that early readers hoover up. My idea was to write a series of them. The first one went really well, and I think part of it was the simplicity. I used a published book as… Continue reading Fighting It

Working Writers – Scalzi and The Big Idea

I really like reading interviews with writers about how they sat down and wrote their latest book/story etc. I don’t so much like interviews where the interviewer gets all “I want to win a creative-non-fiction writing award so let me describe the sound of the gravel crunching under my feet as I walk up the… Continue reading Working Writers – Scalzi and The Big Idea

Creative Challenges

Creative Challenges are great for shaking up the routine, forcing you to be creative every day or every week, and flexing those imagination muscles. What is a creative challenge? National Novel Writer’s Month is probably the most ambitious and famous creative challenge: write a novel in a month (November). The idea is to force yourself… Continue reading Creative Challenges

New Story

I know, I know, you’ve got to finish stories as well as start them, but I couldn’t help starting a new story this morning. I blame Debbie, who asked me yesterday how my writing was going, and Russell T. Davis whose “The Writer’s Tale” I’m reading at the moment. It’s full of the joys and… Continue reading New Story

Note To Self

When you have a project: start writing and keep writing. Eventually it clicks and starts to flow and you remember why you love to do this. It never fails. And I never fail to forget this.

On The Other Hand…

I’ve spend the morning reaching out to old colleagues and clients to ask for testimonials about my work. It’s fun and I’ve already had one nibble about new work from a contact. I’ve been westling with what kind of writing I should be spending my new-found free time pursuing. Part of me really wants to… Continue reading On The Other Hand…