I’m having a bit of a bad morning. I’ve been really looking forward to Sock Wars III. It’s a silly game where you knit a pair of socks to ‘kill’ your victim with, then they send you their socks and you proceed to knit away and try to kill their victim too, and so on… Continue reading 70272

Writing Spurt

I’ve just finished my second book by Tasha Alexander (her first) and after I did, I read her author’s not on writing the book. It starts: One day, while I was engrossed in Dorothy L. Sayers’s wonderful Gaudy Night, a sentence leapt off the page at me: If you are once sure what you do… Continue reading Writing Spurt

U is for Unreasonable

Do you ever have the sure and unsupported certainty that someone just doesn’t like you? A mother of one of the children in Gregor’s class has never been anything but scrupulously polite to me, and I’ve never done anything to offend her. And she seems like someone I might have stuff in common with: she… Continue reading U is for Unreasonable

Floral Therapy

It’s such a rubbish day today (cold, rainy, heavy gray clouds) that I felt I needed to post some pictures I took last week. Spring has sprung around here. Overnight my cherry tree went from having tiny promising buds, to having not just a flower, not just SOME flowers, but a profusion of flowers. It… Continue reading Floral Therapy


So, apparently weekends are my downfall when it comes to blogging (or writing) daily. And I think I’m OK with that. Yesterday was spent shouting at the son and heir, mostly, and playing board games. Today has been…well, very similar. There was an outing and a thwarted plot to go to Strasburg, and some quality… Continue reading NaBlo(sortof)PoMo

F is for Framework

So I took all my ideas, the ones that have been buzzing around in my head for a year (or is it two?) since I first had the audacious thought that I might have a novel in me after all, and started putting them down today. Not that I haven’t written a lot of it… Continue reading F is for Framework

W is for Working Out

I read a mystery that I really enjoyed. I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a novel myself. I think I could do it, even though I tend to think of myself as a short-form writer. But lately I’ve been thinking that maybe that’s just because I haven’t looked at the pattern. I can knit… Continue reading W is for Working Out

Blog O' The Day

Today’s blog post is camping out on the boys’ journal. The fact that I’ve been keeping a blog in my eldest son’s name all his five year long life, should perhaps lead me to be less surprised than I am about the tech-savviness of Kids Today (TM)